About Denmark

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Denmark is a Nordic country in Northern Europe. It is one of the most populous and politically central constituents of the countries in Europe, a constitutionally unitary state that includes the autonomous territories of the Faroe Islands and Greenland in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Denmark is the southernmost of the Scandinavian countries, lying southwest of Sweden, south of Norway, and north of Germany.

Denmark consists of many islands, is small, densely populated, and surrounded by lovely beaches. As mentioned Denmark borders Sweden to the east and Germany to the south. The Oresund Bridge connects Denmark and Sweden from the Danish island, Zealand. Jutland, which is a peninsula, connects Denmark with Germany. The third-largest island in Denmark is Funen, which connects Zealand and Jutland with two bridges, the Great Belt Bridge and the Little Belt Bridge.

Denmark is a constitutional monarchy. Queen Margrethe II has no real political power, and the democratically elected Parliament is the country's highest authority. Denmark is a member of the EU (European Union) but has kept the Danish krone, as its currency, while a lot of the other European countries use Euro as its currency.

Denmark is also a member of the NATO defense alliance.

Denmark has a total area of 42,931 km2 (16,580 sq miles), (the Philippines covers an area of about 300,000 km2), and as mentioned Denmark consists mainly of the 3 islands Jutland, Funen, and Zealand. You can go in the car from the North to the South of Denmark in 3 - 4 hours, so it is easy to come around in Denmark. You’re never far away from the sea in Denmark, and the sea is never more than 1 hour (52 km) away from any point in Denmark.

Though Denmark is a relatively small country we must remember that Greenland is also a part of the kingdom of Denmark. The giant territory of Greenland belongs to the Danish kingdom. So, in reality, the country’s area is a lot bigger than just 42,931 km2, considering the fact that Greenland’s total area is 2.166.000 km². However, Greenland is an autonomous constituent country.

The smaller island group “the Faroe Islands” is also a part of the kingdom of Denmark.

Denmark's geography (Denmark with a total area of 42.943 km2) is characterized by flat, arable land, sandy coasts, low elevation, and a temperate climate. With its approximately 5.8 million inhabitants as of 2021 (the Philippines has a population of about 109 million people). Denmark is the most densely populated country in the Nordic region and around the capital, Copenhagen lives about 1.3 million people.

Denmark is a highly developed country whose citizens enjoy a high standard of living and most Danish people speak English. Denmark performs at or near the top in measures of education, health care, civil liberties, democratic governance, and LGBT equality.

Denmark is a founding member of NATO, the Nordic Council, the OECD, OSCE, and the United Nations. Denmark is also part of the Schengen Area. Denmark maintains close political, cultural, and linguistic ties with its Scandinavian neighbors Sweden and Norway, with the Danish language being partially mutually intelligible with both Norwegian and Swedish.