Privacy Policy

At Asia Dating Europe, we take the processing of your personal information seriously, and we always strive to ensure a reasonable and transparent data processing that complies with applicable Danish law.

Our personal data policy describes how your personal data is processed when you use It is important for us to emphasize that your personal data is processed in accordance with personal data legislation:

We process personal information that you have voluntarily given us when creating your profile on Asia Dating Europe or when editing your existing profile, as well as information about your login history and the time of your login.

When you visit Asia Dating Europe or use our dating service through our apps, we collect some information for e.g. to enhance the experience and offer you the most optimal experience of our dating and matchmaking service.

We collect information in the following ways:

Information you provide to us

To make use of Asia Dating Europe's dating and matchmaking service, we require you to create a profile. In this regard, you provide a number of relevant information for your dating profile.

Note that the processing of this relevant information is necessary in order to offer a normal login procedure as well as to be able to match your profile with other profiles that match your profile information.

Without this information, you can not use Asia Dating Europe:

- Nickname / Display Name

- Profile Picture

- Gender

- Age

- Civil Status

- Location/Geographic Information

- Email address (Your email address is kept private and is not visible to other members)

It is therefore mandatory to provide the above information if you create a profile on Asia Dating Europe

In addition to the above required information, we also process the information below IF you choose to disclose it.

It is therefore voluntary to fill in the following:

- Identification (Your identification is kept private and is not visible to other members)

- Your name (Your name is kept private and is not visible to other members)

- Phone (Your phone number is kept private and is not visible to other members)

- Height

- Weight

- Religion

- Children

- Drinking

- Smoking

The purpose of our processing of your personal data is as follows:

Best possible match of your profile with other profiles on Asia Dating Europe for dating purposes. Facilitate your login and access to our services. Marketing of activities on Asia Dating Europe, including holding future physical dating events, as well as sending out offer emails, if you have agreed to this. Optimization of our service and compilation of statistics.

We only process your information to the extent necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the information was collected.

Personally sensitive information

You may not enter or upload sensitive personal information, which for example relates to religion, race, political conditions, trade union conditions, or illness conditions on Asia Dating Europe, including in profile texts. We are not allowed to register this kind of information and if we become aware that it is on profiles, we will remove it.

Deletion of information

Once we have obtained your consent for the use of our processing of your personal data, you have at any time the opportunity to withdraw your consent in whole or in part by contacting us or by closing your account via your profile page. The withdrawal of your consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing that we have carried out before the withdrawal. When you request the closure of your account, either by contacting our customer service or through your profile page, your account will be marked for deletion and your personal information will be finally deleted 30 days thereafter. If an account has not been used actively for 2 years, it will automatically be closed and marked for deletion, and profile information will be removed 30 days thereafter.

Retention of information

Your personal information is only stored for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purpose of your profile on Asia Dating Europe, unless otherwise required by law, including in particular the Accounting Act's rules on storage of accounting material for 5 years.

Disclosure of information

We only pass on the personal information that appears on your profile page on Asia Dating Europe to other users of our website in order to spread the word about your profile. In addition, we only pass on your personal information to others if we are required to do so by law. We also use partners for storage and processing of data. Our partners process information solely on our behalf and may not use it for their own or others' purposes.

Data security

You can have full confidence that we protect your personal information. Our goal is to offer our users a service that is safe and risk-free. We therefore continuously do our utmost to maintain a rigorous and high degree of data security. We use various methods to best secure your data, such as encryption (SSL), firewalls, software that detects intrusion into the system, as well as manual security procedures that help protect the accuracy and security of your personal information, as well as prevent unauthorized access. or misuse of third parties.

Your rights

If you wish to make use of the rights below, you must contact us via our contact email, which is listed on Asia Dating Europe We will process and respond to your inquiry as soon as possible and no later than one month after we receive your inquiry, unless the complexity and scope of the request means that we are unable to respond within one month. In that case, the deadline for reply may be up to 3 months in total, in accordance with Article 12 of the Personal Data Regulation.

Insight into your information

You have the right to gain insight into the personal data that Asia Dating Europe processes about you, cf. Article 15 of the Personal Data Ordinance. Access may, however, be restricted for reasons of trade secrets and / or intellectual property rights.

Correction or deletion of personal data

We reserve the right to change your entered information in the event that we become aware that your profile contains incorrect or illegal personal information. However, this will not occur normally and we will notify you of such changes. If you believe that the information that Asia Dating Europe processes about you is incorrect or incorrect, you have the right to have it corrected or deleted, cf. Articles 16 and 17 of the Personal Data Ordinance. If we agree with you that the information we process is incorrect or incorrect, we will delete or correct this information as soon as possible. However, deletion or correction will not take place if Asia Dating Europe is legally obliged to store all or parts of your personal data, or it is necessary to store this personal data in order for a legal claim to be established or defended. In that case, Asia Dating Europe will only store the information to which Asia Dating Europe is legally obliged or entitled and will delete other personal data about you.