1. On the front page of your profile page there is a menu item called "private chat rooms" and there is also a menu item called "private chat rooms" under your "personal menu items" in the top left corner of your personal profile page.
2. You cannot create a private chat rooms so you will wait for someone to send you a private chat room invitation.
3. You will received a notification when someone send you a private chat room invitation
4. Go to the private chat rooms page to accept or reject it.
5. If you decide to accept it then you are able to join to the private chat room, you will have an option to send a message to notify them.
6. To join to the private private room, simply click on the Join Chat Room. In the fields (x) you can see how many are currently in the individual private chat rooms.
7. You can click the picture of the participate if you want to send them a private message, view profile, or block them.
8. If you wish to leave to the group, simply click "Leave Chat Room"